Business as Usual at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

President Obama was back on the golf course Saturday – obviously, deeply concerned about the people still suffering in New York and New Jersey.  That bit of sarcasm would seem harsh and out of touch to most Democrats, but given Obama’s handling of Benghazi and the deaths of four Americans, it seems a more than fair appraisal of what moves the needle on this  president’s “urgency meter.”

Still, President Obama has ticked off a few of his “To Do’s” since last Tuesday’s election.  He admitted, for example, that one of our unmanned, unarmed drones had been attacked by Iranian jets on November 1st.  For those that pay attention to such trivia, that would be five days before the election.  One can only wonder why it took so long for that news to find daylight.  In still another in the long line of fortuitous coincidences that have guided Obama’s career, General David Petraeus, Director of the CIA, has stepped down.  Conveniently, his resignation, based on an alleged extramarital affair, came days after (with no hint before) the election and days before hearings on Benghazi.  The affair was reportedly part of an FBI investigation  – Strangely, and apparently in violation of established protocol, not reported prior to the election, to members of the congressional intelligence committees.

As they say, “Timing is Everything.”

Then there was Obama’s speech on Friday, in which he noted in part, that

“…the American people voted for action, not politics as usual.  You elected us to focus on your jobs – not ours.  And in that spirit, I’ve invited leaders of both parties to the White House next week so we can start to build consensus around the challenges that we can only solve together – and I also intend to bring in business and labor and civic leaders from all across the country, here, to Washington to get their ideas and input as well.  You know, at a time when our economy is still recovering from a great recession, our top priority has to be jobs and growth.  That’s the focus of the plan that I talked about during the campaign.  It’s a plan that rewards small businesses and manufacturers that create jobs here – not overseas.  It’s a plan to give people the chance to get the education and training that businesses are looking for right now.  It’s a plan to make sure that this country is a global leader in research, in technology and clean energy, which will attract new companies and high wage jobs to America.  It’s a plan to put folks back to work – including our veterans – rebuilding our roads and our bridges and other infrastructure.  And, it’s a plan to reduce our deficit in a balanced and responsible way.  Our work is made that much more urgent because at the end of this year we face a series of  deadlines that requires us to make major decisions about how to pay our deficit down – decisions that will have a major impact on the economy and on the middle class, both now and in the future.  Last year, I worked with Democrats and Republicans to cut a trillion dollars worth of spending that we just couldn’t afford.  I intend to work with both parties to do more and that includes making reforms that will bring down the cost of health care, so we can strengthen programs like Medicaid and Medicare for the long haul.  But, as I’ve said before, we just can’t cut our way to prosperity.  If we’re serious about reducing the deficit, we have to combine spending cuts with revenue…and that means asking the wealthiest Americans to pay a little more in taxes.  That’s how we did it in the 1990’s when Bill Clinton was president.  That’s how we can reduce the deficit while still making the investments we need to build a strong middle class and a strong economy.  That’s the only way we can still afford to train our workers, or help our kids pay for college, or make sure that good jobs, or clean energy, or high tech manufacturing don’t end up in countries like China.  Now, already I’ve put forth a detailed plan that allows us to make these investments while reducing our deficit by four trillion dollars over the next decade.  I want to be clear.  I’m not wedded to every detail of my plan.  I’m open to compromise.  I’m open to new ideas.  I’m committed to solving our fiscal challenge.  BUT, I refuse to accept any approach that isn’t balanced…”

I was once taught by a Psychologist friend that the word “BUT” cancels everything said up to that point.  You think?

I often find myself asking if it has occurred to others that this entire political conversation is a game that insults the intelligence of Americans.  On the one hand, we have conservatives saying that raising taxes on those making over $250,000 is raising taxes on small business and on investors who make small business possible.  I entirely agree with this premise insofar as those being targeted for tax increases are small business owners, or are investing in small businesses.  President Obama, on the other hand, seems to completely discount the argument and wants to increase taxes on everyone over that threshold income.  And as he does, he still claims that he will increase the number of jobs and attract new businesses.  This is counterintuitive and, I believe, totally false.  Additionally, it has been shown on several occasions that even if we taxed all of this target group at 100%, it would provide only enough revenue to run the country for a few weeks.  At the same time, it would necessarily eliminate business investment.

What seems to elude Harvard educated politicians, but easily passes the commonsense test, is that if this were a fiscal, rather than an ideological argument, they need only determine who, making more than $250,000 is actually engaged in a small business, who is employing others, and who is investing in the small businesses of others.  Extend the tax cuts for all of them and raise taxes, if you must, on the rest.  Make sense?

The truth, as any breathing person should realize by now, is that tax increases will make no positive difference on the deficit, or debt.  Whatever additional funds are brought into the treasury will be “invested” by Obama before they even arrive.  They will not be used to reduce the deficit, or the debt.  We should not forget that this president hasn’t even been able to pass a budget in his first term.  By definition, this means that there is no plan, because plans are funded and executed through the budget process.  He has increased the National Debt by more than five trillion dollars in less than four years – the most outrageous increase in the history of America.

If Barack Obama was a financial consultant, rather than president  – If he had the same record in his business finances as he has had in Washington – If the financial rating of his company had fallen as that of America has – If you knew he had been operating his company for the past four years, without so much as a budget – if his company was deeply in debt and still borrowing to stay afloat – And if you were searching for someone to handle your hard earned retirement savings – would you put your entire financial future in his hands?

We have.



Democratic National Circus! Part Three

Only 58 Days Remaining!

Does Obama Think You’re Stupid?

During the Democratic National Circus, you heard Obama say:

                “I’m no longer just a candidate.  I’m the President.”[1]

That statement says so much about Obama.  How many times since this man was elected President has he reminded us that he is the President, that he is the Commander-in-Chief and that “elections have consequences?”

Collectively, these phrases serve far better, as reminders of his unbridled arrogance and perhaps, if we’re honest, of his insecurity in a role he occupies through mere rhetoric rather than accomplishments of any kind.

To check myself, I searched the White House web-site, finding 43,300 results for “Commander-in-Chief,” only one for “Elections have consequences,” (although it produced 486,000 results on Google), and 30,800 results on White for the corresponding phrase, “I Won.”  Perhaps that makes up for what now seems a modest 174 results for “I am President.”

The constant repetition of these self-serving, condescending and arrogant reminders of power go well with Valerie Jarrett’s one time statement that:

                 “He [Obama] is prepared to really take power and begin to rule Day One.”[2]

Now, having said all these things about the number one person in his life and his assessment of his own power as president, Obama surely must realize that being president is a serious matter.  He has the ability to order young men and women into combat and he now presides over an American economy with a workforce at its lowest point in 31 years – its lowest point in history for men.  As he stood on the podium, accepting the nomination of his Party for president – giving still another in a long line of teleprompter lead speeches – approximately 12.5 million Americans remained unemployed;”[3]  millions more only marginally attached to the workforce, or underemployed.   As he stood on that podium, bragging about 29 straight months of job growth, the new unemployment level was at 8.1%, three tenths of a percent higher than when he took office.  The National Debt was above $16 trillion and salaries for the average middle-class family had dropped by $4,000.  As he has incessantly campaigned, calling jobs his number one priority, he has failed to meet with his Jobs Council even once since January, 2012.  Joe Biden ridiculed a Mitt Romney suggestion for a Territorial Tax, apparently not even realizing that the president’s own Jobs Council had made the same unheeded recommendation.

So what did this very serious, able and thoughtful President say to the American people at the Democratic National Circus???

                “Have a surplus?  Try a tax cut.  Deficit too high?  Try another.  Feel a cold coming on?  Take two tax cuts, roll back some regulations and call us in the morning.”[4]     

Are these the words of a man holding one of the most powerful offices in the world?  Do they make you a better informed citizen?  Do they factually explain our problems in an adult fashion and offer solutions for your evaluation?  Or are these the words of someone who views his followers as morons eager to laugh at his jokes while their families starve?  You decide.

Decide quick – only 58 days to decide the future of America.



[1] President Barack Obama, (Sept. 6, 2012), White House web-site, Briefing Room, Speeches & Remarks, Remarks by the President at the Democratic National Convention, retrieved Sept. 9, 2012 from 

[2] Valerie Jarrett, quoted in WND article (Nov. 10, 2008), WND web-site, Obama will be ready to ‘rule’ on Day 1, retrieved Sept. 9, 2012 from 

[3] BLS News Release (Sept. 7, 2012), Bureau of Labor Statistics web-site, THE EMPLOYMENT SITUATION —AUGUST 2012, retrieved Sept. 9, 2012 from

[4] President Barack Obama, (Sept. 6, 2012), White House web-site, Briefing Room, Speeches & Remarks, Remarks by the President at the Democratic National Convention, retrieved Sept. 9, 2012 from

Obama and Miracles of Logic!

Only 63 Days Remaining!

President Obama may be one of the most prolific speakers of  all the politicians in our history.  He is the speaking equivalent to literally thousands of windmills, albeit windmills designed for moving volumes of hot air.  Although he promised to be the most transparent president in history, he has proven one of the most opaque.  Indeed, it has been the frequency of his speeches that supports his claim of transparency – and their content that makes his presidency opaque.

How many speeches has Obama made about businessmen out to cheat the consumer?  How many speeches has he dedicated to the promise of protecting citizens from the evil clutches of big business?  Aside from signing the Dodd-Frank bill, he even created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.  So, there’s transparency!  Right?

We’re no doubt in for a lot of Obama’s “Transparency” over the next few days of the DNC.  And convinced of the absolute truth and justice of every Obama utterance and action, the mainstream media is understandably reluctant to ask even a few mundane questions that might suggest reasonable doubt.  For example:

1)  If Dodd Frank is really designed to protect consumers, why does it expand the power of the Federal Reserve?  Is that a good thing?

2)  If  Obamacare has already caused a reduction of $716 billion dollars in Medicare funding, exactly how is it that Obama argues he is protecting Medicare and improving health care to seniors?

3)  The daughter of a 105 year old woman once explained to Obama that at 99, her mother needed a pacemaker and that nothing could be done for her without it.  In other words, she would die without it.  The doctor, after seeing the woman’s energy and love for life, o.k.d the operation and the woman lived at least 6 years longer.  When she asked Obama if this could happen under Obamacare, the answer was no and that sometimes it was better just to give them a pill.  How is it that Obama can take such a position while sneering at the suggestion that Obamacare contains a “Death Panel?”

4) Obama  claims  responsibility for 29 straight months of job growth  and the creation of millions of jobs.  WHO CARES?  If he created 50 billion jobs and the unemployment rate goes up (as it is) and workforce participation goes down (as it has), what do those jobs matter?  Does anybody get it?

5) If Obama can make people believe he’s saving Medicare, producing jobs, and looking  out for the middle class, why hasn’t he bypassed Congress as usual and issued an Executive Order removing himself from office?

Now that would be logical!

Obama Implies War Hero Un-American! When does it stop? – Reason #91

Only 64 Days Remaining!

Obama Implies War Hero Un-American

Tonight signifies the opening of  the Democratic National Convention – a convention hoping to produce the re-election of a president who, after four years, still blames the Bush Administration for America’s problems.  Worse, while he doggedly refuses to accept personal responsibility for his own presidency, he has apologized for, denigrated and treated dismissively, our military and law enforcement heroes.

On Dec. 14, 2010, a Border Patrol agent was killed by a firearm allowed to “walk” across the border in an ill-conceived operation known as “Fast and Furious.”  Our Attorney General not only stonewalled the Congressional investigation into the case, but waited more than a year to apologize to Agent Brian Terry’s family.  He did so by email.  President Obama claimed Executive Privilege to aid in the “stonewalling.”

On Nov. 5, 2009, the president appeared at the Tribal Nations Conference, addressed the group on what amounted to “housekeeping” issues, gave a “shout out” to an attending Medal of Freedom winner (Obama says “Congressional Medal of Honor), returned to a discussion of the conference and only then, after this long monologue, in an “oh by the way” fashion, finally mentioned that there had just been a shooting at Fort Hood, saying in part:

“What we do know is that a number of American soldiers have been killed, and even more have been wounded in a horrific outburst of violence.”

On Sept. 17, 2009, President Obama presented Staff Sergeant Jared Monti’s Medal of Honor posthumously, to his parents, at a White House ceremony.  On June 23, 2011, addressing members of the Army’s 10th Mountain Division, President Obama said, in part:

“…First time I saw 10th Mountain Division, you guys were in southern Iraq. When I went back to visit Afghanistan, you guys were the first ones there. I had the great honor of seeing some of you because a comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to, who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously.”[1] 

On December 12, 2010, Sgt. Sean Collins was killed in Afghanistan.  His family received a letter of condolence from Democratic Senator Maria Cantwell, in which she expressed sorrow for the death of “Bryn” – not Sean.  Sgt. Collins’ father requested a phone call from President Obama to Sean’s mother, but after several days, he was reportedly informed that the President could not fit the call into his schedule.[2]   The President had no such conflict however, in calling the owner of the Philadelphia Eagles to passionately praise him for giving convicted felon Michael Vick a second chance at pro football.  He had no problem with finding time to call his hero of the contraception wars, Sandra Fluke, to praise her bravery.  But, when it came to consoling the mother of a soldier killed in action, there just wasn’t time.

During February, 2012, U.S. soldiers removed several hundred pieces of extremist material, including Korans on which extremist messages had been written, from the Parwan Detention Facility in Afghanistan. According to U.S. military officials, these materials were being used to exchange extremist messages.  Following their removal from the library, the items were burned in a pile of garbage.[3]Instead of rewarding these soldiers, Obama promised Afghan President Hamid Karzai that:

“We will take the appropriate steps to avoid any recurrence, including holding accountable those responsible,”[4]

By March 2, six U.S. soldiers had been killed and another five wounded by our so-called Afghan allies, including a Major and a LCOL, shot point blank as they sat at their desks in the Interior Ministry.  Obama noted in a Feb. 29th interview, that his apology had “calmed things down.”

Then there was the leaking of classified information regarding the Osama Bin Laden operation.  Attacking ads run in response to the leaks,  by  former SEALs who formed the Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund Inc., Obama noted simply, “I don’t take these folks too seriously.”[5]

The treatment afforded to his former political opponent and Vietnam war hero Senator John McCain, was no less stunning.  In October, 2010, during the run up to the 2010 mid-term elections, President Obama participated in a radio interview aired on the Latin station, Univision.  Once again, this former Community organizer and agitator took the opportunity to demonstrate just how far away he remains from any desire to unify Americans. “Referring specifically to Republicans such as Senator John McCain, who are stressing border security and supporting strict immigration laws like Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration measure, Mr. Obama said:

‘Those aren’t the kinds of folks who represent our core American values.’”[6]

That he would make this remark against any American can only be seen as treacherous. Leveling such a charge against a man who served honorably in the U.S. Military and withstood the horrors of a North Vietnamese prison camp – even turning down early release to abide by the rules governing POWs – says far more about Obama than it does about McCain.

While President Obama has suffered no shyness in repeatedly reminding Americans that he is the Commander-in-Chief, not even a two ton sand sculpture of his likeness can give him the stature that he has shown so clearly he does not deserve.

[1] President Barack Obama, (June 23, 2011), White Speeches & Remarks, Remarks of the President to Soldiers of the 10th Mountain Division in Fort Drum, New York retrieved November 15, 2011 from

[2] Megyn Kelly, (January 6, 2011), America Live, as posted on, Too Busy for Fallen Soldier’s Family, But Plenty of Time for NFL’s Eagles?, retrieved January 7, 2011 from

[3] Deb Reichmann (AP), (Feb. 21, 2012), Army Times web-site, Angry Afghans Protest Koran Disposal at Bagram, retrieved March 2, 2012 from

[4] UPI, (Feb. 23, 2012), UPI web-site, Obama Apologizes for Burning of Koran,” retrieved March 2, 2012 from

[5] staff (Aug. 30, 2012), web-site, Form Letters For Navy SEALs, Personal Note For A Rapper, retrieved Sept. 3, 2012, from

[6] President Barack Obama (Oct. 25, 2010), Story by John McCormack, (Oct. 25, 2010), The Weekly Standard, The Blog, Obama to Latinos: “Punish” Your “Enemies” in the Voting Booth, retrieved December 18, 2011, from

Obama: Cops will Harass Hispanics – Reason #90

Only 65 Days Remaining!

Obama: Cops Will Harass Hispanics

Over the past three years, Obama has worked hard to inflame the passions of Hispanics and especially illegal immigrants.  It was Obama who used the bully pulpit to create a chasm between Arizona Latinos and the Governor and law enforcement officials.  He used the media to let Latinos know that:

“If you are a Hispanic American in Arizona — your great-grandparents may have been there before Arizona was even a state. But now, suddenly, if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you’re going to be harassed.  That’s something that could potentially happen.”[i]

There is very little difference between this statement and the principle behind the Reichstag fire in Nazi Germany.  Obama needs always to find a common enemy that he can use to divide and polarize our nation.  Here, as in other statements, he makes clear that honest American immigrants should fear and distrust law enforcement officers – officers who put their lives on the line every day to protect and serve their fellow Americans.

Many people have pointed to Obama’s past as a Community Organizer and professional agitator; and theorized that he would like nothing more than to create more divisiveness in America and to manipulate that divisiveness into more votes for the Democrats – particularly, for himself.  Well, here it is.  In Obama’s 2012 State of the Union address, the most divisive President in history, told us that:

“Let’s also remember that hundreds of thousands of talented, hardworking students in this country face another challenge: the fact that they aren’t yet American citizens. Many were brought here as small children, are American through and through, yet they live every day with the threat of deportation[ii]…let’s at least agree to stop expelling responsible young people who want to staff our labs, start new businesses, defend this country. Send me a law that gives them the chance to earn their citizenship. I will sign it right away.”[iii]

This is another Obama cheap shot and a “twofer.”  He is advocating a direct path to citizenship for illegal immigrant students – hoping to foster divisiveness between Latinos and the Republican Party.  Obama offers up a bill, which he puts on others to create – essentially the same as the questionable DREAM Act, which has already faced bipartisan opposition in Congress and which some say, amounts to opening “the door to allow millions of illegal immigrants to live and work in the U.S. without a vote of Congress.”[iv]  (Note: Since this writing, Obama has unilaterally enacted what amounts to the DREAM Act, completely bypassing Congress.  A lawsuit has been filed against the Administration by ten agents, alleging that they are being ordered not to enforce the Immigration laws.)

At the same time, he disingenuously casts the Republican Party as anti-immigrant, hoping to gain the vote of Latinos, while ignoring the economic and crime problems being experienced by residents along the Southwest border.

[i] President Barack Obama, (April 27, 2010), White Speeches & Remarks, Remarks by the President at Ottumwa, Iowa Town Hall, retrieved November 2, 2010 from

[ii] Note:  If they face the daily threat of deportation, they are illegal immigrants

[iii] President Barack Obama, (Jan 24, 2012), White House web-site, Speeches & Remarks, Remarks by the President in State of the Union Address, retrieved January 25, 2012 from

[iv] Lamar Smith (Mar. 20, 2012), web-site, The Truth About the DREAM Act, retrieved March 22, 2012 from

Dividing America – Establishing a Common Enemy – Reason #89

Only 66 Days Remaining!

Dividing America – Establishing a Common Enemy

In a political party that has come unleashed since the election of Barack Obama, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) provides still another example of the over the top lies of Democrats, made with a straight-face.  We all know that we should not use Hitler analogies.  Still, it is wise to understand history and to recognize when an all-out effort is underway to give the illusion of a common, dangerous enemy, as Hitler did with the Reichstag fire in 1933.  These are the words of Congresswoman Waters in 2012.

“On Immigration policy and reform they [Republicans]  are on the wrong side of the track… They would have you believe that if they get into office, they are going to make sure that they are going to get rid of everyone in our society who was not born in America.  They’re not about civil and human rights.”[i]

The words here, are Water’s and not Obama’s.  Yet, there is a striking similarity to this and the phrases uttered by Obama about Hispanic parents being harassed when they take their kids out for ice cream and the need for Hispanic voters to “punish our enemies.”  Either this over the top rhetoric is hardwired into Democrats, or they are taking cues from – and marching in lockstep with their leader.

[i] Rep. Maxine Waters, (D-CA), (Feb. 15, 2012), Fox News Web-site, Rep. GOP Will Get Rid Of All People Not Born In U.S. Waters: GOP Will Get Rid Of All People Not Born In U.S., retrieved February 19, 2012 from

Border Agent Dead – Holder Apologizes…by Email – Reason #85

Only 70 Days Remaining!

Border Agent Dead – Holder Apologizes…by Email

Asked by Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), during a Nov. 8, 2011 hearing on “gun walking” Operation “Fast and Furious,” whether or not he had ever apologized to the family of murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, Attorney General Eric Holder replied that he had not apologized to them.  Asked if he had even spoken with them, he responded:

“I have not.” [i]

This was a hearing occurring 11 months after the murder of Agent Terry by drug traffickers using assault rifles allowed – in a botched operation by Holder’s Dept. of Justice – to cross the border into Mexico.

Finally, after avoiding an apology to the family of the slain agent during the his Nov. 8th Congressional testimony, Attorney General Holder went on to claim that:

“It is not fair, however, to assume that the mistakes that happened in Fast and Furious directly led to the death of agent Terry.” [ii]

The following day – Nov. 9th, 2011 – Holder reportedly sent a letter of apology – via email – to Brian Terry’s sister, leaving it to her to share the letter with the remainder of Brian’s family.  The letter was also allegedly released to[iii]

On February 3, 2012, Agent Terry’s mother responded through a Facebook entry, saying:

“Josephine Terry”

“Mr. Holder. How come you can never say my son’s name. You never have. All I ever hear you say is ‘I didn’t find out or I can’t say’ I’m actually tired of hearing your double talk in answering questions. What a joke you are. You know my son was a real AMERICAN, a WARRIOR, and a HERO, who was also protecting COWARD POLITICIANS like you. Hope you remember that.”[iv]

[i] Fred Lucas, (Nov. 8, 2011), CNS news web-site, No Apology: Holder Says ‘Not Fair’ to Assume Fast and Furious ‘Directly’ Led to Border Agent’s Death, retrieved February 26, 2012 from

[ii] Ibid

[iv] Posted by Tiffany Gabbay, (Feb. 3, 2012), The Blaze web-site, Murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s Mother to Eric Holder: You‘re a ’Coward‘ and a ’Joke’, retrieved on February 26, 2012 from

Does Obama Trust Russians more than Congress? – Reason #77

Only 78 Days Remaining!

Obama: Ready to Share with Russians – Not Congress

According to the Washington Times, “President Obama signaled Congress during the week of Jan 2, 2012, that he was prepared to share U.S. missile defense secrets with Russia.”  This revelation was consistent with information previously published, indicating that Obama was “planning to provide Moscow with Standard Missile-3 (SM3) data.”  Such data sharing could, according to security officials, allow the Russians to counter our defensive missiles. [i]

As this argument wages, Obama signed into law, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA), on December 31, 2011.  The NDAA, in part, restricts the ability of the President to share classified ballistic missile defense information with Russia without reporting to Congress 60 days in advance, the specific information to be shared.  While Obama signed the law, he indicated in his signing statement, that he would interpret its provisions in a manner that gives him maximum “flexibility” (remember that word and his open mic moment with Dimitri Medvedev).  With regard to one section of the law, Obama said:

“…While my Administration intends to keep the Congress fully informed of the status of U.S. efforts to cooperate with the Russian Federation on ballistic missile defense, my Administration will also interpret and implement section 1244 in a manner that does not interfere with the President’s constitutional authority to conduct foreign affairs and avoids the undue disclosure of sensitive diplomatic communications. Other sections pose similar problems. Sections 1231, 1240, 1241, and 1242 could be read to require the disclosure of sensitive diplomatic communications and national security secrets.”[ii]

The President seems to be saying that his right to share national security secrets with a foreign power should not be subjected to restrictions that would cause him to disclose to our own Congress, sensitive diplomatic communications, or the same national security secrets.  In other words, classified national security documents warrant less protection than diplomatic communications with a foreign government.  Revealing our secrets to a foreign power – according to this line of thinking – is less threatening than releasing them to members of Congress.

[i] Bill Gertz (Jan. 4, 2012), Washington Times web-site, Inside the Ring, Pentagon Shifts East, retrieved January 5, 2012 from

[ii] President Barack Obama (December 31, 2011), White House web-site, Statements & Releases,  Statement by the President on H.R. 1540, retrieved January 5, 2012 from

No Socialists? Really???… – Reason #74

Only 81 Days Remaining!

“This Liberal would be all about socializing…”

During a 2008 Congressional hearing, a Shell Oil executive stated that he could “guarantee because of the inaction of the United States Congress…” that $5 [for a gallon of gas] would look like a low price in the years to come “unless the demand comes down” and if they [oil companies] are prohibited from exploring for “…new reserves and new opportunities to increase supplies.”[i]  In turn, Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA), pointing her finger, responded excitedly:

“And guess what this Liberal would be all about.  This Liberal would be all about “socializing”…uh…uh (silence) would be about basically, taking over and the government running all of your companies.” [ii]

Thankfully, that has not come to pass.  Yet, during his first two years in office, Obama overtly marginalized and demonized big business.  The auto and bank bailouts as well as the problems with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have interlaced government and big business, creating the same controlling relationship over business as with the states – complete with the appointment of someone to tell us how much corporate executives should be paid.

As of January 14, 2011, the U.S. Government still held a 33% ownership share in GM,[iii]9% in Chrysler[iv] and 92% in AIG. [v]  Through the second quarter of 2010, U.S. taxpayers were put on the hook for approximately $148 billion in return for a 79.9% ownership share in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac[vi] -two mega-entities owning or insuring approximately $5.7 trillion of the mortgage market[vii]– which the IMF has recommended should be “either privatized or converted to public utilities.”[viii]

[i] John Hofmeister, Shell Oil President, (May, 2008), originally broadcast on The Fox Report, posted on on May 23, 2008, by “ElephantOwnersDotCom,” Maxine Waters wants to “Socialize” Oil Companies, retrieved January 28, 2011 from

[ii] Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA), (May, 2008), originally broadcast on The Fox Report, posted on on May 23, 2008, by “ElephantOwnersDotCom,” Maxine Waters wants to “Socialize” Oil Companies, retrieved January 28, 2011 from

[iii] Huffington Post, (January 14, 2011), The Huffington Post web-site, GM, Chrysler Beef Up Lobbying, Despite Government Ownership, retrieved January 28, 2011 from


[iv] Huffington Post, (January 14, 2011), The Huffington Post web-site, GM, Chrysler Beef Up Lobbying, Despite Government Ownership, retrieved January 28, 2011 from


[v] Peter Schroeder, (January 14, 2011), The Hill: On the Money, AIG finalizes plan to exit government ownership, retrieved January 28, 2011 from

[vi] Jonathan R. Laing, (August 28, 2010), WSJ Digital Network, Barron’s, What’s Ahead for Fannie and Fred?, retrieved January 28, 2011 from

[vii] Jonathan R. Laing, (August 28, 2010), WSJ Digital Network, Barron’s, What’s Ahead for Fannie and Fred?, retrieved January 28, 2011 from

[viii] Associated Press, (January 25, 2011), Chicago Tribune web-site: Nation & World, IMF says US should consider privatizing mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, retrieved January 28, 2011 from–imf-financialcrisis-us,0,7079526.story

Obama and America’s Defense

Justice Department? (LOL) – Reason #71

Only 84 Days Remaining!

Holder Ducks Responsibility for “Fast and Furious”

On December 14, 2010, U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed in Nogales, Arizona.  Found at the crime scene were two assault rifles linked to an ATF operation in which gun dealers along the Southwest Border were encouraged by ATF agents to sell quantities of firearms “to suspected traffickers for Mexican Drug Cartels.”  The operation – called “Fast and Furious” – had begun in September, 2009, continued over the concern of agents and at least one gun dealer,[i] and had resulted in the delivery of at least 2,000 firearms to Mexican drug cartels.[ii]  A Congressional investigation into “Fast and Furious” was launched by Senator Grassley (R-IA) in Jan., 2011 and on March 3, 2011, ATF agent John Dodson exposed the operation to CBS News, saying “Now you have a name on it. You have a face to put with it.  Here I am.  Someone now tell me it didn’t happen.”[iii]

In a March 27, 2011 response on Univision, President Obama denied that he, or Attorney General Eric Holder had any knowledge of the operation.  He went on to say that:

“There may be a situation here in which a serious mistake was made and if that’s the case then we’ll find out and we’ll hold somebody accountable.” [iv]

On May 3, 2011, Attorney General Holder told Congress that he had only heard about the gun walking operation “over the last few weeks.”  But, on Oct. 3, 2011, CBS news reported on Justice Department memos to Holder mentioning the operation as early as July, 2010 – 5 months prior to the killing of Agent Terry.  While Holder did not admit this, he amended his earlier testimony during a Nov. 8, 2011 appearance on the Hill. [v]

Holder indicated during the Nov. 8 hearing that a letter from the Justice Dept. sent to Congress in February, 2011 and denying that “Fast and Furious” was a gun walking operation was inaccurate.  He also admitted that his initial testimony in May, that he had only known about the operation “over the last few weeks,” was erroneous and that he “probably could have said ‘a couple of months.’”  He was quick to add however, that trying to pinpoint the timeframe was a “distraction.”  “Distraction” is a term that has been used several times  by Obama to ward off uncomfortable questions.

Holder went on to deny seeing two memos regarding “Fast and Furious” addressed to him in July and November, 2010 – prior to Agent Terry’s murder.  He pointed out that his Dept. has more than 150,000 employees and that – at least by his standard: [vi]

“I cannot be expected to know the details of operations in the Justice Department on a day-to-day basis.” [vii]

Apparently, not even cases that involve cross border operations, international laws and treaties, intergovernmental relationships and the murder of a U.S. Border Patrol Agent.

As a result of this apparent stone walling, Eric Holder became the first U.S. Attorney General in history to be censored by Congress and now a special investigation is underway.  Meantime, Brian Terry – one of the good guys – is still dead, and our Country’s highest law enforcement officer is still thumbing his nose at Congress and by doing so – at the American people.

[i] Sharyl Attkisson, (Dec. 7, 2011), CBS News web-site, CBS Investigates, Documents: ATF used “Fast and Furious” to make the case for gun regulations, retrieved February 26, 2012 from and hyperlinked to article CBS News Staff, CBS web-site, “Gun walking” Scandal Timeline, retrieved February 26, 2012 from;contentBody

[ii] Fred Lucas, (Nov. 8, 2011), CNS news web-site, No Apology: Holder Says ‘Not Fair’ to Assume Fast and Furious ‘Directly’ Led to Border Agent’s Death, retrieved February 26, 2012 from

[iii] Sharyl Attkisson, (Dec. 7, 2011), CBS News web-site, CBS Investigates, Documents: ATF used “Fast and Furious” to make the case for gun regulations, retrieved February 26, 2012 from and hyperlinked to article CBS News Staff, CBS web-site, “Gun walking” Scandal Timeline, retrieved February 26, 2012 from;contentBody

[iv] Ibid

[v] Fred Lucas, (Nov. 8, 2011), CNS news web-site, No Apology: Holder Says ‘Not Fair’ to Assume Fast and Furious ‘Directly’ Led to Border Agent’s Death, retrieved February 26, 2012 from

[vi] Ibid


[vii] Ibid