Reason #44 – Obama and Rezko: A “Distraction!”

Only 130 Days Remaining!

Reason #44

Obama and Rezko – A “Distraction?”

Tony Rezko, now serving time on fraud, money laundering and Attempted Bribery charges,[i] was considered a friend of Obama for 17 years.  Rezko, his partner Daniel Mahru, their wives and businesses contributed more than $50,000 to Obama’s campaigns over the years and Rezko was responsible for bundling millions more, including $14 million in contributions raised by Obama’s U.S. Senate Campaign Finance Committee – a Committee to which Rezko had been appointed by Obama.[ii]

Rezko was also considered a good friend of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and was, according to author Elizabeth Brackett, “the key figure in the wide-ranging corruption that shattered the governor’s office.”[iii]

Although Obama knew Rezko was under criminal investigation at the time, he made sure Rezko was present when he toured his South side Chicago home for the first time, as a prospective buyer.  A few weeks earlier, Rezko had allegedly received a $3.5 million dollar loan from Nadhmi Auchi, a British-Iraqi billionaire convicted in a 2003 corruption case in France. [iv]

The property included a Georgian style home and an adjacent fenced lot that could not be accessed individually from the street.  Although the owner was apparently selling both the home and lot, Mr. Obama successfully negotiated a $300,000 reduction in the price of the home – from $1.95 million to $1.65 million – without purchasing the lot.

On that same day, Mrs. Rita Rezko – Tony Rezko’s wife – made a coincidental full price offer on the adjacent lot, paying $625,000.  Repeating – this lot could not be accessed individually from the street.  In January, 2006, the Obama’s purchased a ten foot section of the lot from Mrs. Rezko, for $104,500,[v]although an appraisal reflected the real value to be only $40,500.[vi]

Obama had first been offered a job by Rezmar – Tony Rezko’s corporation – after his selection as President of the Harvard Law Review.  He refused the offer, but later went to work for the Chicago law firm Davis, Miner Barnhill & Galland – the firm representing Rezmar – the firm that helped Rezmar obtain $43 million in government funding to rehab 15 of its 30 low income apartment buildings.[vii]  The first time Obama was asked about Rezko, he claimed they had just met.  Actually, they had known each other for 17 years.[viii]  This, as Obama likes to say, could represent a “Teachable Moment” – for American voters.

While working for Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland, Obama performed an unknown amount of legal work on Rezmar deals.  When questioned about the amount of Obama’s Rezmar work by the Sun-Times, Mr. Miner – a partner in the law firm said “We’ll put together a list of the cases he worked on involving Rezko/Rezmar in the next day or two.”[ix] That statement was  reportedly made on March 13, 2007.  According to the Sun-Time’s Tim Novak, the information had not been received as of April 23, 2007.  Obama’s state senate campaign staff, on the other hand, says he worked only about five hours on such cases over a six year period. But, rehab deals on half of Rezmar’s low income apartment buildings were made while Obama was with the firm. [x] Recall Hillary Clinton’s accusation during one of the debates of the 2008 Democratic Primary, that Obama had handled the legal work for a “Slumlord.” 

In February, 1997 Rezmar got away with a $100 fine, after tenants in one building suffered without heat for five weeks beginning in December, 1996.  On January 14, 1997, During a time when Rezko and his partner reportedly couldn’t come up with the money to turn on the building’s heat, Obama received a campaign contribution of $1,000 from Rezmar. [xi]

Eleven of Rezmar’s 30 buildings turned out to be in Obama’s State Senate District.[xii]

(Excerpt from 203 Reasons Not to Vote for Barack Obama)

[i] Tom Leonard, (June 5, 2008), web-site, World News, USA, Barack Obama ally Tony Rezko convicted of fraud, attempted bribery and money laundering,retrieved June 10, 2010 from

[ii] Tim Novak, (April 23, 2008), Chicago Sun-Times website, Obama and his Rezko ties, retrieved June 10, 2010 from,CST-NWS-rez23.article

[iii] Elizabeth Brackett, Pay to Play: How Rod Blagojevich Turned Political Corruption into a National Sideshow, (Chicago, 2009, Ivan R. Dee), 91

[iv] The Times, (March 5, 2008), web-site, U.S. & Americas News/U.S. Elections, Q&A: Barack Obama and Tony Rezko, retrieved June 10, 2010 from

[v] The Times, (March 5, 2008), web-site, U.S. & Americas News/U.S. Elections, Q&A: Barack Obama and Tony Rezko, retrieved June 10, 2010 from

[vi] Binyamin Appelbaum, (March 16, 2008), web-site, Home/News/Nation – The Boston Globe, Obama haunted by friend’s help securing dream house, retrieved June 10, 2010 from

[vii] Tim Novak, (April 23, 2008), Chicago Sun-Times website, Obama and his Rezko ties, retrieved June 10, 2010 from,CST-NWS-rez23.article

[viii] (Feb. 25, 2008), web-site, Obama & Rezko & Slumlord, Oh My!, retrieved March 7, 2012 from

[ix] Tim Novak, (April 23, 2008), Chicago Sun-Times website, Obama and his Rezko ties, retrieved June 10, 2010 from,CST-NWS-rez23.article

[x] Tim Novak, (April 23, 2008), Chicago Sun-Times website, Obama and his Rezko ties, retrieved June 10, 2010 from,CST-NWS-rez23.article

[xi] Tim Novak, (April 23, 2008), Chicago Sun-Times website, Obama and his Rezko ties, retrieved June 10, 2010 from,CST-NWS-rez23.article

[xii] Tim Novak, (April 23, 2008), Chicago Sun-Times website, Obama and his Rezko ties, retrieved June 10, 2010 from,CST-NWS-rez23.article

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Reason #42/43 – Obama: “I’ve Now Been in 57 States!”/Obama: U.S. has “Countries”!!!

Only 131 Days Remaining!

Reason #42

Obama: “I’ve Now Been in 57 States!”

Here are his words: In a 2008 campaign stop at Beaverton, Oregon, Obama made a statement that was received very differently by liberals and conservatives.  Most liberals will say he misspoke because he was exhausted from a busy campaign schedule.  Have you, even once, heard any American make a similar error?

The question:  Was it exhaustion, or was it the error of a person whose only attachment to this nation is superficial and academic – not emotional.

“Over the past 15 months we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States.  I’ve now been in 57 states?  I think one left to go – one left to go.  Alaska and Hawaii I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit…”[i]

That makes 60!  Ask yourself how many times you’ve made the same error, or heard a friend or relative misstate the number of states in the United States of America…or perhaps just give Obama another pass.

(Excerpt from 203 Reasons Not to Vote for Barack Obama)

* * *

Reason #43

Obama: Ever the European – Speaks of U.S. “Countries”

In October, 2011, speaking at the IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) #5 Training Center in Pittsburg, PA, President Obama took the opportunity to cast Republicans as being against his Jobs Act because passing it would represent a Win for him [Obama].  He then went on to characterize the Act as something that would represent a Win for the working people of America – virtually everyone.  Having once again created a divisive strawman, Obama also used this speech to reiterate his opinion of America’s exceptionalism, stating:

“We used to have the best stuff. We used to be the envy of the world. People would come to our countries and they would say, look at — look at the Hoover Dam, look at the Golden Gate Bridge. Now people go to Beijing Airport and they say, I wish we had an airport like that. We can’t compete that way, playing for 2nd or 3rd or 4th or 8th or 15th place.”[ii] (Emphasis added)

Aside from being another example of Obama denigrating the Country he was elected to lead, his use of the word “Countries” here, leaves me wondering if he has once again confused us with his beloved Europe.  In the U.S., we have “States” – just not 57, or 60 of them.  But, even most first graders know – we don’t have “Countries.”

(Excerpt from 203 Reasons Not to Vote for Barack Obama)

[i] Uploaded by Obamagaffe, (May 9, 2008), YouTube web-site, Obama Claims he’s Visited 57 States, retrieved November 15, 2011, from

[ii] President Barack Obama, (October 11, 2011), White House web-site, Speeches & Remarks, Remarks by the President on the American Jobs Act, given at IBEW #5 Training Center, Pittsburg, PA, retrieved December 16, 2011, from

The Work and Words of Obama’s Associates
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Reason #41 – Obama’s Pride in America – a Mixed Message

Only 132 Days Remaining!

Reason #41

Obama Finds Pride in America as Election Nears

During an interview with Barbara Walters, aired on ABC Nightline, on December 23, 2011, President Obama said:

“Here in the United States,  everybody’s always talking about China and how they’re rising.  When you’re in Asia, people are still looking to the United States.  They don’t look to China.  They look to the United States for Leadership, for security, on economics, on culture, on politics – not because they think we’re perfect, but because they realize that we are a unique superpower in the sense that we don’t just think about our self interest.  We also think about what’s good for the world.  And, I wouldn’t want us to trade places with anybody – and I want to communicate that more effectively to the American people.”

In October, 2010, he was not quite so happy with America, when he said of China:

“Right now, China’s building hundreds of thousands of miles of new roads. Over the next 10 years, it plans to build dozens of new airports. Over the next 20, it could build as many as 170 new mass transit systems. Everywhere else, they’re thinking big. They’re creating jobs today, but they’re also playing to win tomorrow.”[i]

In August, 2008, then Senator and Presidential Candidate Obama was quick to show the losing role of America – particularly, as compared with China:

“Think about the amount of money that China has spent on infrastructure. Their ports, their train systems, their airports are vastly the superior to us now…”[ii]

And, as for receiving the world’s admiration for not just thinking about our self interest, but also thinking about “what’s good for the world,” could Obama have been more supportive than in his 1990 statement that we were “mean-spirited” and ungenerous,[iii] or, in his January, 2009 interview on Al Arabiya TV, when he told their audience that “…all too often, the United States starts by dictating…”[iv] or, in his April 2009 speech at  the Summit of the Americas, where he confessed, “…we have at times been disengaged, and at times we sought to dictate our terms.”

The contrast of his current statement to his consistent position on these issues is indeed something to behold.  Perhaps, it has something to do with the proximity of the 2012 Presidential elections.

In true keeping with his “No Drama Obama” persona, time and time again, the President  illustrates his rugged ability to stare his own statements in the face and deny them with impunity.  Still, for those who watch and listen, he is indeed transparent.

(Excerpt from 203 Reasons Not to Vote for Obama)

[i] President Barack Obama, (Oct. 11, 2010), White House web-site, Speeches & Remarks, Remarks by President on Rebuilding America’s Infrastructure, retrieved December 26, 2011, from

[ii] Senator Barack Obama, (August 21, 2008), quoted in article by Jim Geraghty, (Aug. 22, 2008), National Review Web-site, The Campaign Spot, Obama, Fan of Chinese Ports, Trains, and Airports, retrieved December 28, 2011, from

[iii] Allison J. Pugh, Associated Press, (Cambridge, MA 1990), “Law Journal’s Leader Wants to Help Poor,” appearing in National Section of Altoona Mirror, April 16, 1990, p. B7, retrieved from Newspaper

/PdfViewerTags.aspx?img=70515705&firstvisit=true&src=search&currentResult=5&currentPage=0&fpo=False, using search terms “Barack Obama” “between years 1987-1995”, (Retrieved June 8, 2010)

[iv] President Barack Obama, (Jan. 2009), release of President Obama’s interview with Al Arabiya TV by Consulate General of the United States, Dubai-UAE, retrieved December 28, 2011, from

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Reason #40 – Guess Who’s Not Coming to Dinner

Only 133 Days Remaining!

Reason #40

Guess Who’s not Coming to Dinner

Has Israel – with Obama as President of the U.S. – been treated as a “stalwart” ally?  It seemed precisely the opposite in March, 2010, when President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu met at the White House.  After failing to get agreement on a list of 13 demands made of the Prime Minister, President Obama reportedly left the room, telling Netanyahu:

 “I’m going to the residential wing to have dinner with Michelle and the girls.”[i]  Israel’s Yediot Ahronot newspaper quoted the President as saying: “I’m still around.  Let me know if there’s anything new.”[ii]

Another Israeli paper, Israel’s Maariv, wrote that “There is no humiliation exercise that the Americans did not try on the prime minister and his entourage.  Bibi  [Netanyahu] received in the White House the treatment reserved for the president of Equatorial Guinea.”[iii]

Obama’s former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, would apparently be proud.  Wright, who famously said from the pulpit “We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians…”[iv] has also reprinted anti-Israel articles by others and included them in church newsletters circulated to parishioners.  One such article, by Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzook, asked “Why should any Palestinian “recognize” the monstrous crime carried out by Israel’s founders and continued by its deformed modern Apartheid state?”[v]

Boston Globe Columnist Jeff Jacoby wrote that Obama’s “…exceptionally close ties to the man he described as his spiritual mentor, the Israel-bashing Reverend Jeremiah Wright, should have given pause to any pro-Israel voter.” [vi]  And Syndicated Columnist Mona Charen wrote “Sure, Obama mouthed a few bromides about Israel’s security during the campaign, but Jewish voters, like other Americans, were aware that this candidate’s history was uniquely hostile to Israel. They knew of Obama’s tame attendance at Jeremiah Wright’s church (which gave Louis Farrakhan a “lifetime achievement award” and offered space in its bulletin to Hamas). They were aware of his friendships with Bill Ayers and Rashid Khalidi and of his affection for Third World causes.”[vii]

New York Magazine’s Dan Amira contested the widely publicized story of Obama snubbing Netanyahu at their  March 25, 2010 White House meeting.  Amira wrote that “the White House points out to us that such scenarios are impossible, since Michelle, Sasha, and Malia Obama were in New York City that night.”[viii]  Oddly, a Chicago Sun Times article by Lynn Sweet – to which a link is provided in Amira’s own article, reports that Michelle and the two Obama girls returned to Washington, DC on Wednesday, March 24, 2010[ix]– the day before the alleged infamous meeting between Obama and Netanyahu.

But, once again, the media tries to give him a pass.

(Excerpt from 203 Reasons Not to Vote for Barack Obama)

[i] Adrian Blomfeld in Jerusalem, (March 25, 2010), The Telegraph: World: USA, Obama snubbed Netanyahu for dinner with Michelle and the girls, Israelis claim, retrieved December 10, 2010 from

[ii] Ibid

[iii] Ibid

 [iv] Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jr., (March 22, 2008), The Atlantic: The Daily Dish, The Wright Post 9/11 Sermon, retrieved December 12, 2010 from

 [v] Mousa Abu Marzook as quoted in LA Times Op-Ed, (July 10, 2007) and reprinted in Pastor Pages of Trinity United Church Newsletter and presented on MSNBC’s The Place for Politics with Andrea Mitchell.  Posted to YouTube by JeffBoste, (March 27, 2008), Rev. Jeremiah Wright Anti-Israel comments, retrieved December 12, 2010 from

 [vi]Jeff Jacoby, (June, 2010), Commentary, Obama, Israel & American Jews: The Challenge—A Symposium, retrieved December 12, 2010 from–Israel—american-jews–the-challenge-a-symposium-15449?page=all

[vii]Mona Charen, (June, 2010), Commentary, Obama, Israel & American Jews: The Challenge—A Symposium, retrieved December 12, 2010 from–Israel—american-jews–the-challenge-a-symposium-15449?page=all

[viii] Dan Amira, (March 26, 2010), New York Magazine web-site, Updated: Obama Didn’t Walk Out on Netanyahu to Go Eat With His Family, retrieved November 26, 2011, from

[ix] Lynn Sweet, (March 25, 2010), Chicago Sun Times web-site, Michelle Obama, Malia, Sasha, New York Spring break visit: Broadway, Harlem, Brooklyn, retrieved November 26, 2011, from

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Reason #38/39 – Obama: America has Shown Arrogance/Obama’s Respect for Israel Can’t Survive Open Mic

Only 134 Days Remaining!

Reason #38

America has shown Arrogance

Obama had been President for less than four months, when he appeared in Strasbourg, France’s Rhenus Sports Arena, to tell the world that America fails “to appreciate Europe’s leading role in the world,” that the United States shares the blame for what has happened in the world, and that there have been times when Americans have “shown arrogance and been dismissive…”  While he spoke also of future shared responsibilities, he laid much of the blame for past problems squarely on the shoulder of America – an interesting charge against one’s own nation – a nation that liberated France from the Nazis and helped restore it to a position of prominence,  largely through the blood of American soldiers and the largesse of the American government and its people.

“…but we also know that there’s something more that has crept into our relationship. In America, there’s a failure to appreciate Europe’s leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.” (Emphasis added)[i]

(Excerpt from 203 Reasons Not to Vote for Barack Obama)

* * *

Reason #39

Obama’s Respect for Israel Can’t Survive Open Mic

A great deal of speculation has surrounded President Obama’s personal position towards Israel.  Perhaps some clarification was provided at the 2011 G20 conference, when a private exchange between French President Sarkozy and U.S. President Obama was unintentionally exposed through an open microphone.  According to ABC News, the captured conversation went as follows:

President Sarkozy:  “I can’t stand him anymore.  He’s a liar.”

President Obama:  “You may be sick of him, but me, I have to deal with him every day.”[ii]

How could we doubt President Obama’s sincerity?  Is this the type of duplicity that the President exercises in his dealings with the American people?  Recall his open microphone in San Francisco capturing his comment about voters who “get bitter, and “cling to guns or religion…”[iii] 

Perhaps, away from the cameras and microphones, he doesn’t really fly so high above the fray.

(Excerpt from 203 Reasons Not to Vote for Barack Obama)

[i] President Barack Obama, (April 3, 2009), White House web-site, Speeches & Remarks, Remarks by President Obama at Strasbourg Town Hall, Retrieved December 5, 2011, from

[ii] President Barack Obama, quoted by ABC News (Nov 8, 2011), ABC News web-site, ABC News with Diane Sawyer, Sarkozy to Obama: Netanyahu Is a ‘Liar’, retrieved January 4, 2012 from

[iii] Barack Obama, (April 6, 2008), Transcript of Obama remarks at fundraiser in San Francisco, posted by Mayhill Fowler, (April 11, 2008), The Huffington Post, Obama: No Surprise that Hard-Pressed Pennsylvanians Turn Bitter, retrieved January 13, 2011 from

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Reason #37 – Obama Sees Better America as Election Nears

Only 135 Days Remaining!

Reason #37

Obama Sees Better America as Election Nears

The same President Obama who has so often denigrated, or vilified America, was focused on bringing a different take as he twisted the 2012 State of the Union Address into just another campaign speech.  Particularly striking was his very accurate statement that:

“…anyone who tells you that America is in decline or that our influence has waned, doesn’t know what they’re talking about.”[i]

Regrettably, those beautiful and very true words are far from his normal disapproving, apologetic, arrogant and condescending rhetoric.  Here’s a few of his other observations on America’s success and influence:

“…we cannot help but believe that the old hatreds shall someday pass;….”[ii]

“…we’ve lost our ambition, our imagination…”[iii]

 “Instead of strategically applying our power and our principles, too often we set those principles aside as luxuries that we could no longer afford.” [iv]

 “The way I think about it is, this is a great, great country that had gotten a little soft…we need to get back on track.” [v]

“We used to have the best stuff. We used to be the envy of the world. People would come to our countries and they would say, look at — look at the Hoover Dam, look at the Golden Gate Bridge. Now people go to Beijing Airport and they say, I wish we had an airport like that.” [vi]

Funny how things change according to audience and timing.  Should he be re-elected in 2012, I’m sure we’ll hear how he really feels about America.

(Excerpt from 203 Reasons Not to Vote for Barack Obama)

[i] President Barack Obama, (Jan 24, 2012), White House web-site, Speeches & Remarks, Remarks by the President in State of the Union Address, retrieved January 25, 2012 from

[ii] President Barack Obama, (January 21, 2009), The White House web-site, White House Blog, President Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address, retrieved April 21, 2010 from

[iii] President Barack Obama (Oct. 26, 2011), White House web-site, Speeches & Remarks, Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event at W Hotel, San Francisco, CA, retrieved January 5, 2012 from

[iv] President Barack Obama, (May 21, 2009), White House web-site, Speeches & Remarks, Remarks by the President on National Security, retrieved December 5, 2011, from

[v] Jake Tapper, (September 29, 2011), ABC News web-site, Obama: U.S. Had “Gotten a Little Soft” in Last Couple Decades, Lost Competitiveness, retrieved December 5, 2011 from

[vi] President Barack Obama, (October 11, 2011), White House web-site, Speeches & Remarks, Remarks by the President on the American Jobs Act, given at IBEW #5 Training Center, Pittsburg, PA, retrieved December 16, 2011, from

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Reason #35/36 – Obama: Americans Short on Ambition and Imagination/Obama: Ignorance and Arrogance of Americans

Only 136 Days Remaining!

Reason #35

Obama: Americans Short on Ambition and Imagination

A study of Obama’s speeches, fundraisers, press conferences and other interactions – especially with foreign countries and targeted audiences here at home – will lead even the most casual observer to the conclusion that Obama sees a great deal wrong with America.  He has called us “Mean-Spirited,” [i] “manic and self absorbed,” [ii] “soft” [iii] and more.

His Inaugural address seemed to offer a glimmer of decency, when he said:

“Our workers are no less productive than when this crisis began. Our minds are no less inventive…”[iv]

But, he quickly returned to normal.  Speaking at an October, 2011 fundraiser in San Francisco, President Obama couldn’t resist the urge to ring that bell still another time, as he addressed his followers:

“Anybody been to Beijing Airport lately? Or driven on high-speed rail in Asia or Europe? What’s changed? Well, we’ve lost our ambition, our imagination, and our willingness to do the things that built the Golden Gate Bridge and Hoover Dam and unleashed all the potential in this country.”[v]

These are the words of the President of the United States, Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, who sends America’s men and women to war and sometimes death, believing in his heart that they – that we – are without ambition, or imagination.

(Excerpt from 203 Reasons Not to Vote for Barack Obama)

 * * *

Reason #36

Obama: Ignorance and Arrogance of Americans

Obama asserts early in his first book, that while living in Indonesia, he was taught by his mother, Ann Dunham:

“…to disdain” what she saw as  “the blend of ignorance and arrogance that too often characterized Americans abroad.”[vi]

He also found the innocence of German, Japanese, British and American tourists in Kenya, “…vaguely insulting” and was angered by the attention they received from Kenyan waiters in a restaurant. [vii]

Perhaps these feelings account for some of his apologies for our Country – odd that his comments about Americans who cling to their religion and their guns, probably closely mimic the types of elitist condescension about which his mother was talking.

(Excerpt from 203 Reasons Not to Vote for Barack Obama)

[i] Allison J. Pugh, Associated Press, (Cambridge, MA 1990), “Law Journal’s Leader Wants to Help Poor,” appearing in National Section of Altoona Mirror, April 16, 1990, p. B7, retrieved from Newspaper, using search terms “Barack Obama” “between years 1987-1995”, (Retrieved June 8, 2010)

[ii] Barack Obama, Dreams From my Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, 1st pbk Edition, (New York, 2004, Three Rivers Press), 133

[iii] Jake Tapper, (September 29, 2011), ABC News web-site, Obama: U.S. Had “Gotten a Little Soft” in Last Couple Decades, Lost Competitiveness, retrieved December 5, 2011 from

[iv] President Barack Obama (Jan 20, 2009), White House web-site, The White House Blog, President Obama’s Inaugural Address, retrieved January 13, 2012 from

[v] President Barack Obama (Oct. 26, 2011), White House web-site, Speeches & Remarks, Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event at W Hotel, San Francisco, CA, retrieved January 5, 2012 from

[vi] Barack Obama, Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, 1st pbk Edition, (New York, 2004, Three Rivers Press), 47

[vii] Barack Obama, The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, (New York, 2006, Three Rivers Press), 312

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Reason #33/34 – Obama: Rewriting History/Obama: America has “Gotten a Little Soft”

Only 137 Days Remaining!

Reason #33

Obama: Rewriting History

Speaking before the Cuban American Foundation, then Presidential Candidate Obama once again launched a verbal assault on then President George W. Bush.  Based on Obama’s purported intellect, we can only presume that he knew the first portion of this statement to be  a lie.

“…Since the Bush Administration launched a misguided war in Iraq.  Its policy in the Americas has been negligent towards our friends, ineffective with our adversaries, disinterested in the challenges that matter in the peoples’ lives and incapable of advancing our interests in the region.  No wonder then, that demagogues like Hugo Chavez have stepped into this vacuum.”[i]

“His predictable, yet perilous mix of anti-American rhetoric, authoritarian government, “checkbook diplomacy,” coddling the repressive regime in Cuba, offers the same false promise as the tried and failed ideologies of the past.”[ii]

Hugo Chavez was elected President of Venezuela in 1998.  He “stepped into this vacuum” on Clinton’s – not Bush’s watch!  Here, Obama talks judgmentally about “coddling the repressive regime in Cuba,” when he called for flexibility in dealing with Cuba at the Summit of the Americas.  This might fit the definition of Hypocrisy!

As to the second portion of Obama’s statement, can you tell whether he is speaking about Bush, or Chavez?  Did he know?  Did he care?

(An excerpt from 203 Reasons Not to Vote for Barack Obama)

Reason #34

Obama:  America has “gotten a little soft”

Apparently, Obama does sometimes consider America to be a decent  country.  On occasion, he has even – as shown in the following quote – called us “Great.”  On September 29, 2011, speaking with Orlando WESH-TV’s Jim Payne, the President noted:

“The way I think about it is, this is a great, great country that had gotten a little soft and we didn’t have that same competitive edge that we needed over the last couple of decades.  We need to get back on track.”[iii]

This is probably one of the nicest things Obama has ever said about America – before, or after becoming President.

(An excerpt from 203 Reasons Not to Vote for Barack Obama)

[i] Barack Obama, quoted in Jack Kelly, (May 27, 2008), Real Clear Politics web-site, Obama Obfuscates on Chavez & FARC, retrieved February 6, 2012 from

[ii] Barack Obama, shown on YouTube video posted by “econalc”, (Aug 25, 2008), Obama’s Funniest Bloopers, retrieved February 6, 2012 from

[iii] Jake Tapper, (September 29, 2011), ABC News web-site, Obama: U.S. Had “Gotten a Little Soft” in Last Couple Decades, Lost Competitiveness, retrieved December 5, 2011 from

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Reason 32 – America Sought to Dictate Terms

Only 138 Days Remaining!

Reason #32

America Sought to Dictate Terms

In his first address to the Summit of the Americas, Obama affably responds to comments by Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega – a man responsible for death, destruction and the economic plunder of his own nation.  Obama notes that we should not be trapped by history and suggests the need for flexibility in dealing with places like Cuba.

“…All of us must now renew the common stake that we have in one another. I know that promises of partnership have gone unfulfilled in the past, and that trust has to be earned over time. While the United States has done much to promote peace and prosperity in the hemisphere, we have at times been disengaged, and at times we sought to dictate our terms. But I pledge to you that we seek an equal partnership. (Applause.) There is no senior partner and junior partner in our relations; there is simply engagement based on mutual respect and common interests and shared values. So I’m here to launch a new chapter of engagement that will be sustained throughout my administration. (Applause.)

“To move forward, we cannot let ourselves be prisoners of past disagreements. I am very grateful that President Ortega — (applause) — I’m grateful that President Ortega did not blame me for things that happened when I was three months old. (Laughter.) Too often, an opportunity to build a fresh partnership of the Americas has been undermined by stale debates. And we’ve heard all these arguments before, these debates that would have us make a false choice between rigid, state-run economies or unbridled and unregulated capitalism; between blame for right-wing paramilitaries or left-wing insurgents; between sticking to inflexible policies with regard to Cuba or denying the full human rights that are owed to the Cuban people.[i]

Interestingly, while he strikes an apologetic tone by voicing his perception that the U.S. has, “at times been disengaged, and at times sought to dictate our terms,”(in Latin America),  he makes no similar apology for attempting to overrule the Honduran Constitutional process by demanding the return to power of their ousted President, Manuel  Zelaya.

[i] President Barack Obama, (April 17, 2009), White House web-site, Remarks by the President at the Summit of the Americas Opening Ceremony, retrieved December 7, 2011 from

Reason #30/31 – America is “Just downright mean!”/Obama: Americans “Manic and self-absorbed”

Only 139 Days Remaining!

Reason #30

America is “just downright mean!”

In 1990, Obama called our Country “mean-spirited,” and ungenerous.  Some might think this ancient history – as ancient as Obama’s association with Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright.  But, In 2008, campaigning for her husband, before parishioners of a predominantly black South Carolina church, Michelle Obama gave her own view of life in America.  According to Michelle:

“…life in America in 2008, and life is not good.  We’re a divided country, we’re a country that is ‘just downright mean,’ we are ‘guided by fear.’ We’re a nation of cynics, sloths, and complacents.”[i]

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Reason #31

Obama: Americans Manic and Self Absorbed

In Dreams From my Father, Obama tells us that he decided to become a community organizer in 1983 and provides a few insights into his thinking.  The first is that he was dedicated to “change” – change in everything from the White House to the Congress, to what he called the “manic and self absorbed” “mood of the country.” [ii]

[i] Lauren Collins,(March 10, 2008), The New Profiles, The Other Obama: Michelle Obama and the Politics of Candor, retrieved November 2, 2010 from

[ii] Barack Obama, Dreams From my Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, 1st pbk Edition, (New York, 2004, Three Rivers Press), 133