Is There a Political Conscience?

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“Obama, Obama, We are all Osama!”

Listening to Susan Rice, Jay Carney and the mainstream media regarding this year’s 9/11 attacks,  should have the head of every American spinning like Linda Blair’s in the Exorcist.

Since this year’s 9/11 attacks on our Embassy in Cairo and our Consulate in Benghazi, the Obama administration has done its very best to circle the wagons.  The Administration’s political spin is that these attacks, along with violent protests in more than 20 Countries around the world, including Australia and the president’s former home of Djakarta, were triggered solely by an obscure film reportedly produced by California real estate developer Sam Bacile.  “Innocence of Muslims,” released  on YouTube in July,  “depicts the Prophet Mohammed as a womanizer, pedophile, and homosexual,”.[1]  Bacile, reportedly also known as Nakoula Basseley, allegedly has an arrest history for drugs and bank fraud.[2]

U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice told Fox Sunday host Chris Wallace that none of the protests have had anything to do with the policies of the Obama Administration.  Her conclusion – and she was adamant – was that the 9/11 attacks and those since, are the direct result of the Bacile film.[3]  White House Press Secretary Jay Carney has said the same.  Both ignore claims that the 9/11 attacks in Egypt and Libya were well orchestrated, sophisticated acts of terrorism.  Both seem to be telling us that there was no reason to have beefed up security at the Cairo and Benghazi facilities on 9/11.  Both also seem to ignore chanting in these protests that dates back to the May 2012 Tunisian riots, when Obama was called an “ape,” and members of the mob chanted:  “Obama, Obama, we are all Osama.” [4]  These are similar to the chants more recently heard in Lebanon, where the mob chanted “Listen, Listen Obama, We are all Osama,”.[5]

And, as with nearly everything else that Obama and his administration announce, his claim that “The film did it”  has been picked up by the media and reiterated by nearly every mainstream reporter and commentator.  The result is that the film has been elevated to a position of prominence across the globe.  If it was not the source of violence on 9/11, it most certainly has become a source in the days following the tragic murders of Ambassador Chris Stevens and his staff members.  Arguably, the Administration’s position has increased, rather than ameliorated violence in the region and in the world.  YouTube is now flooded with uploads of the movie and trailer.  All of this begs a nagging question of to what extent will a community organizer, agitator and politician go, in order to deflect blame?

Perhaps there should be a few FAQs – Let’s pretend these are:

Did we need additional security on 9/11?  I would expect that given the authority, most rookie agents, police officers, or military E-1s would have made the call to add Marine guards on the anniversary of 9/11.  Both countries are in transition and the area is known by all, to be thoroughly unstable.  Imagine that we can put a billion dollars in the hands of a country our President says is not an ally – but, we can’t make the expenditure to move a group of Marines to protect our Embassies and Diplomatic personnel on a symbolic date in a volatile region.

Is the “Innocence of Muslims” responsible for the riots and for the murders of Ambassador Chris Stevens and his staff members?  How about Obama “spiking the football” on the shooting of Osama Bin Laden – how about Biden taking up the widely repeated gratuitous and macho slogan “Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive.”  One might logically think that this possibility is supported by demonstrators chanting “…we are all Osama.”

Why are Afghan “Friendlies” killing our soldiers? When Obama issued apologies for the burning of the Korans used by Al Qaeda prisoners to transmit intelligence messages, “friendly” Afghan partners turned their guns on our troops, killing a total of six and wounding several others in three separate incidents.  Since this year’s 9/11 attacks and the repeated media references to the Bacile film, another eight American soldiers have been killed in the same manner – also in three separate incidents.

Did Obama tell the truth about not approving the Cairo Embassy’s statement/apology before the attack on 9/ll?  Let’s look at the wording of the statement.

“The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims — as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.”[6]

Notice the words “…to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims –“  This has significance.  Remember, we are talking about a president who wanted “Empathetic” Supreme Court Justices.  We’re talking about a President who called it his:

 “responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”[7]

We’re talking about a president, whose first priority for NASA was to:

find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering.”[8]

Then there is the small matter of protocols for the release of statements on American policy in the international arena.  Would the Embassy have dared to make that release without his approval?

If Obama did not approve this statement, it certainly matched to near perfection, both the tone and content of “feelings” he has expressed in the past.

Republican candidate Mitt Romney responded to the Embassy statement,  saying:

“I’m outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi. It’s disgraceful that the Obama administration’s first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.”

Minutes before Romney’s statement, the Obama administration disavowed the Embassy statement.   Since then, Romney has been the subject of attacks for his response.  In the meantime however, Obama and all of his minions have since returned, in all of their actions and sound bites, if not to the letter, certainly to the spirit of that original statement.

Is the relationship between the Obama administration and Israel “Unprecedented” in its closeness?  President Obama has made it clear from Day One, that he supports the Muslim faith – an interesting and dangerous position for a U.S. President.  Traditionally, our President addresses nations, not religions.  President Obama however, has consistently spoken of Muslims as a monolithic entity, despite the fact that they are spread among some 57 diverse countries.  Regrettably, we may say now, that he has done a great deal to unify them, while apparently working very hard to divide America.


[1] Christine Pelisek, (Sep. 13, 2012), The Daily Beast web-site, Anti-Muslim Movie Maker a Meth Cooker, retrieved September 17, 2012 from

[2] Ibid.

[3] Ambassador Susan Rice (September 16, 2012), FoxNews Sunday with Chris Wallace

[4][4] Memri TV Videos, (May 24, 2012), Thousands of Salafis in Tunisia: Obama, We Are All Osama, retrieved September 17, 2012 from

[5] Jihad Watch, (Sep 14, 2012), Posted by “Robert,” “Listen, listen Obama, we are all Osama” — Lebanon: One killed as Muslims march from mosque, stone police, set fire to KFC, retrieved Sept. 17, 2012 from—-lebanon-one-killed-as-muslims-march-from-mosque-stone-police.html

[6] Byron York, (Sept. 11, 2012), Washington Examiner web-site, Beltway Confidential, Romney: Obama administration response to embassy attacks ‘disgraceful’, retrieved Sept. 12, 2012 from

[7] President Barack Obama, (June 4, 2009) White House web-site, Speeches & Remarks, Remarks by the President on a new Beginning, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, retrieved December 8, 2011, from

[8] Charles Bolden, (2010), in interview with al-Jazeera, quoted by Chief Political Correspondent Byron York, (July 4, 2010), Washington Examiner web-site, Beltway Confidential, Obama’s New Mission for NASA: Reach Out to Muslim World, retrieved December 10, 2011, from